Views from the Food System Frontier: The Signs of a New Mainstream


  • Joseph McIntyre Ag Innovations Network



Column, Value Chains, Economic Development


First paragraph:

A few weeks ago, I got an invitation that made me stop and take note. Our local Chamber of Commerce — long an advocate for traditional economic development — was wondering if their efforts to develop new entrepreneurs and businesses should consider focusing on small agriculture and value-added food products. They asked a number of people, including representatives from the Farm Bureau, the Wine Commission, and the local chapter of the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies, to talk about trends in agriculture into the future....


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Author Biography

Joseph McIntyre, Ag Innovations Network

Joseph McIntyre is president of Ag Innovations Network, a California-based nongovernmental organization that focuses exclusively on developing and facilitating collaborations between interests in the food system to promote change in practices and policies. Trained as both an economist and an organization development professional, he works with food system leaders on complex change initiatives.
Joseph McIntyre



How to Cite

McIntyre, J. (2011). Views from the Food System Frontier: The Signs of a New Mainstream. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 1(4), 19–21.