In This Issue: Commentaries from the U.S. Agroecology Summit 2023 and open call papers


  • Duncan Hilchey Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development; and Thomas A. Lyson Center for Civic Agriculture and Food Systems





First paragraph:

Our spring-summer 2024 issue is devoted largely to a set of commentaries prepared by more than two dozen participants in the U.S. Agroecology Summit 2023 in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Their indivi­dual and collective voices challenge the hegemony of the dominant global industrial food system. However, they acknowledge that there are significant philosophical and pragmatic divisions between progressives in the agroecology “movement” that need to be openly addressed before significant progress can be made in build­ing a cohesive movement. . . .


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Author Biography

Duncan Hilchey, Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development; and Thomas A. Lyson Center for Civic Agriculture and Food Systems

MRP; Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

Cover of volume 13, issue 3--artwork of a Black Agrarian farm by Ryan Tenney



How to Cite

Hilchey, D. (2024). In This Issue: Commentaries from the U.S. Agroecology Summit 2023 and open call papers. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 13(3), 1–3.

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